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Making it all better

I have to make a confession. As a therapist I have this almost overwhelming temptation to try to fix things for my clients; to try and make them better. There, I said it. I say ‘almost’ overwhelming because I would never actually do that;…

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I just don’t know

There are many things I don’t know. I don’t know how to persuade my dog to stop ‘playing’ with possessions in my absence. In the last couple of months he has destroyed a pair of glasses, a video played remote control, a wicker-work waste…

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Just because…

So I am back to all the normal routines: getting up, walking the dog, eating, working, walking the dog, catching up on all sorts at home, sleeping, getting up, walking the dog… Just because Summer School is over, does that mean I should go…

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Summer School Day 4

Ok so no preaching this morning! Day 4 was as inspiring and challenging as were days 1-3. We spent the morning considering sex and sexualities; how do difficulties with sex present in relationship counselling? What happens when a couple no longer has sex? What…

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Summer School Day 5

Well, the course is finished. What a week! The diversity within the group of life experience and of background and personality added to rather than strained the dynamic. We were all able to listen to each other and so no-one felt constrained to shout…

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Summer School Day 3

This week is changing me on the inside. It seems to me that as humans we can feel intimidated by the things we know little about or have little experience of. The unknown can be scary; at the same time we feel drawn to…

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Summer School Day 2

I could get used to this! My parents run a fantastic B&B; cup of tea in bed, breakfast on the table, an evening meal when I get home, lifts to and from the train station, they even walk the dog and play with him!…

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Summer School Day 1

So this is how it feels to be a ‘computer’. I’m on the 8.21 fast train, stopping only at Stevenage and Finsbury Park (where I get off). Looking around the train all the others seem accustomed to this. Of the seven people immediately surrounding…

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What does it mean to be hospitable? I used to live and work in a Christian community, and the hospitality department was forever making beds, making cookies, making birthday cakes, making welcome cards, in order to make people feel welcome. I could never do…

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