- Be as open as you can be with me, even if it is difficult.
- Think about your session outside of the time we are together. This will give you an opportunity to process your thoughts and feelings.
- Some people find it helpful to write their feelings and thoughts down in a journal. It can help to find the words to express difficult things. If you do this, make sure that you have some way to keep your journal private.
- Try and notice what stays with you after a session, what seems to be most important or significant.
- Be gentle with yourself; try not to be self-critical, but rather be curious about your thoughts and feelings.
- Talk with me about any feelings you experienced after the previous session, for example if you felt confused, sad, angry, or if you were unsure about returning.
- If there’s something you want to say, try to say it. Share what you are feeling, especially if you feel that you’re avoiding a particular issue – it can be really useful to look at ‘avoidance’.
- Remember that counselling is not a ‘quick fix’. Our relationship will take time to develop, as do all relationships. Personal growth takes time.
- Ending therapy can be difficult. Ideally, you will stop therapy when we decide together that you’ve reached a point where you feel you’ve made as much progress as you need to, wish to, or are able to make. In the last session it can be useful for us to reflect on the journey we have made together, and to reflect on the changes you’ve made. Leaving therapy can be quite emotional and it is important that we end well.