When we meet for the first time you may feel quite nervous or anxious. I will do my best to help you feel at ease. You will have the opportunity to tell me what prompted you to contact me, and what you are looking for from therapy. I may ask you a few questions just for clarification but you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. I will explain what I think I may be able to offer that could help you.
At that point we will come to an agreement about how we will work together, and I will explain my ‘terms and conditions’ (things like my cancellation policy, data protection, limits of confidentiality etc). If we agree to work together, we will “contract” for an initial number of sessions, usually about six, at the end of which we will evaluate how things are going. We will then decide if we will continue sessions and “re-contract”, or finish working together.
You can make an appointment either by phone or by email. My phone nearly always goes to voicemail, but is checked regularly, so leave a brief message and let me know how I can contact you safely. I will try to get back to you within 48 hours.